I wanted to give an update on this event....
"something" woke me up at 7 am, and instead of doing my morning reading and other laid back things....
i got up, showered, dressed, and had the kids at the table working on some educational things....
9am, CPS and an undercovercop showed up, said they just happened to be in the area and wanted to see the kids.
We are normally up very late, and sleep late too...that what happens when your spouse works nights and you shift your cycles so the kids get to interact with both parent.
I know that the cop was there to back up CPS, if they found any indication of maltreatment or abuse, which the CPS in the other county is claiming based my step daughters claim.
My hubby is not giving in to this order of protection, and he intends to let it go to trial, so that She has to prove...beyond resonable doubt, with evidence, which she cant do.
Prehearing on the 25 of this month, trial in Monroe County on Dec 17.
I was musing over two things specifically:
the Aeon of the Child and how the focus on protecting kids from abuse and misuse has evolved dramaticaly in such a short time here in the USA.
I had to prove that I provide medical care, and account for why I am homeschooling, why I collect skulls and snake skins, why my home is the way it is, ect....I take my rights as a citizen seriously, and practice the freedoms granted here, because I know that my Siblings in other parts of the world cannot.
The other thing I was musing over would be, what the best case senario could be with this....how this could turn out for the best. That is much harder.
i have spent time thinking about what would happen if the ex wife, got wind somehow that her daughter was completely lying, and just dropped it all. Not only would we not have to deal with more time down town, but maybe then she would see not only what a sick biotch her daughter was, but that she was the model for all those lies, and she is a sick biotch too.
And...that my husband would get his arse straight and engage in the real world, with his real family...instead of living doped out, as a victim, living in a hate filled, vengous fantasy.
Well, I know a few of you had asked for an update so I thought I would just post it. Your kindness and compassion is greatly appreciated.