@Hermitas said
"I has recieved THELEMIC orders to this book and exterminate it’s wordses from the mass internet collective conscious mind.
The Grand High Illumanatix have the Masons and the Vermin to not read this books which exposes the truth of all the darkest top secrets for GLOBAL mind contol."
(I did laugh out loud)
@Takamba said
"This might seem off topic but I say it is not. This is actually an ample opportunity to discuss this topic. The value of one's ability to write coherently, in a manner that is as equally communicable to the reader as it is to the writer, is an indication of the type, kind, and quality of MIND behind the writing. So, with brother FiatYod I agree. Judge the messenger by the message.
The MIND, the SWORD, the ability of the mental faculties, is a required tool of magick. Its quality will determine the quality of the results. How the MIND works, what it accepts as evidence, what it calls research and study, what it practices and where it mispractices are all indicators of the results that should be expected. With brother FiatYod I agree.
Judge Internet Idiots as ye will."
This guy is rather challenging to judge. There are some videos and emails from which one can see that he does possess some knowledge and understanding of Qabalah, Magick, esoteric traditions from various places around the world, etc.
On the other hand, there are emails like the one regarding which I've created this topic...